zaterdag 2 juli 2011

Lexi St. George the Next Rebecca Black?

The creators of Rebecca Black's so-bad-it's-good hit song "Friday" have done it again! Ark Music Factory, the company behind the 13-year-old's annoyingly catchy video (which created a firestorm of controversy), unveiled their latest creation on Good Morning America this week. In the "Dancing to the Rhythm (With Me)" video, 14-year-old Lexi St. George belts out lyrical gems such as, "Gonna press send...and text all my friends." But despite the obvious similarities, CEO Patrice Wilson says they weren't hoping to create another Black -- though George does remind us of a younger Emma Watson. "I don't want people comparing and saying she's the next Rebecca Black," he told Gawker. "With this project, it's a bit of a different thing. We wanted to make something everybody could like, whether the older or younger generation… I don't anticipate that people are going to dislike this video. I hope people give her a chance and not say I don't like Ark Music Factory so I don't like this song." With its middle-school themes and abundance of glitter, we're not sure anyone over the age of 14 will genuinely like the video -- but that's not to say it won't become an ironic hit like "Friday." Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon -- we're ready for your version! Watch for yourself below and let us know what you think! Source: Ambrosio

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