woensdag 27 oktober 2010

Jessica Biel: Prettier as a Blonde or Brunette?

Jessica Biel has been a blonde, and looked great. No surprise there. But recently, she joined a growing list of stars (Demi Lovato comes to mind) in going dark. The other night at a Glamour Reel Moments event, Jessica showed up with her locks dyed a chocolate color so deep they bordered on black. Quite a change! Tough as it is for many women to pull off such a shift, we'd say she did so with flying (darker) colors. But does she look better as a blonde or a brunette? Vote: Jessica Biel makes a much better ... Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2010/10/jessica-biel-prettier-as-a-blonde-or-brunette/China Chow Chloƃ« Sevigny Christina Aguilera Christina Applegate

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